Let’s Learn more about SQL
Section 1: Select Statement
SELECT Statement – Demonstrate how to retrieve data from a single table using the basic form of the SELECT statement.
Read More: SQL Tutorial: Guide For Data Manipulation!
Here’s a basic syntax:
SELECT column1, column2, …FROM table_name;

1. Retrieve all columns from a table:

2. Retrieve specific columns from a table:

3. Retrieve data with a condition:

Section 2: Filtering Data
1. WHERE Clause: Focuses on filtering data based on specified conditions.
2. DISTINCT: Demonstrates how to eliminate duplicate entries from query results.
3. Comparison Operators: Covers the use of operators such as ‘>’, ‘<‘, ‘=’, ‘!=’ to form conditions in the WHERE clause.
4. LIMIT: Teaches how to restrict the number of rows a query returns using the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses.
5. FETCH: Guides on “How To Skip” a set number of rows before returning rows in a result set.
6. Logical Operators: Introduces “Logical Operators” and explains their use in assessing the truth of conditions.
7. AND Operator: Teaches “How To Combine” multiple Boolean expressions with the AND operator.
8. OR Operator: Demonstrates the combination of multiple Boolean expressions with the “OR Operator.”
9. BETWEEN Operator: Guides on selecting data within a specified range using BETWEEN.
10. IN Operator: Shows how to check if a value exists within a list with the IN operator.
11. LIKE Operator: Explains querying data based on specific patterns.
12. IS NULL Operator: Introduces the concept of NULL and how to check for NULL values.
13. NOT Operator: Demonstrates inverting a Boolean expression with the NOT operator.